Chocolate industry and confectionary

Pumps for the transfer of chocolate


Because your recipees are numerous and complex and consumers request is unlimited, BROQUET has developped, since 30 years, a range of pumps compatibles at every step of the fabrication of the chocolate.

Pumps are proposed with 3 different profiles of rotors depending on the nature of the recipe and operating conditions. BROQUET pumps, in each version, are proposed in cast ion and in stainless steel.

  • A range of 5 sizes of pump
  • flowrate from 0.5 to 30 t/h.

The design of these pumps is ideal to transfer important quantities of chocolate without any risk of separation of dry and fat masses.

It also avoids the risk of heating and caramelization of the recipe thanks to technical choice:

  • The circulation of the product is ensured inside the pump to avoid this warm-up.
  • The rotation speed is purposely limited (less than 100 rpm))
  • BROQUET proposes different configuration depending on the application.