Chemical and Petrochemicals industries

Pumping solutions

dedicated to each process application


Chemical and petrochemical applications are multiple and gather numerous market segments. Each of them require to transfer liquids where the rheology and granulometry is proper to each process.

For more than 50 years, BROQUET has developed reliable and performing solutions for all type of applications in Chemical and Petrochemical industries.

Flowrates are from de 0.5 to 250 m³/h with a discharge pressure up to 20 bar and even 40 bar for our high pressure pumps.

Applications are from fuel until most viscous grease and glue and also polymere, resins and compounds with or without solid particles.


Pumps can be delivered with 3 types of rotor profiles depending on characteristics of the liquid to transfer. They can be in cast iron or in stainless steel.

On request, pumps can be delivered according the ATEX standard.


Main raw materials :

  • Cast iron
  • carbon steel
  • Stainless steel
  • Other metallurgies on request

Transfer of abrasive & corrosive liquids


Safety devices

protect the pump and the installation


protect equipments of the installation and the environment

self-cleaning filter

One of duties of this filter is to protect equipment of the installation:

• Ultrafiltration membranes
• Heat exchangers
• Centrifugals and clarifyers
• Spray nozzles
• Pumps